School Uniform
Our school uniform is intended to be smart, practical and economical.
Day to day uniform consists of:
- Black or Grey trousers or skirt
- White polo shirt with school badge (generic white polo shirt suitable)
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge
- Sensible black school shoes
PE Kit:
- Blue/Black shorts
- White T-shirt with school badge (generic white t-shirt suitable)
- Royal Blue Hoodie (for Year 3 to Year 6)
- Trainers
- Plain blue or black tracksuit bottoms and plain blue sweatshirts are allowed
during the winter months (no logos) - Swimming kit (Parents will be notified when lessons will be. This is usually during Year 4)
Important Information
The school operates a Uniform Exchange Programme. Parents are welcome to view our collection and select items for your child. This will be available in the hall at some school events. For further information please contact the school office.
School sweatshirts, cardigans, storm proof coats, PE kits & bags and Book bags can be ordered directly from the supplier via a link on the school website. All items of uniform ordered through school have the child’s name discreetly sewn along the hem. Since our supplier began providing this service, we have seen our lost property reduce dramatically! We would encourage parents to label all other items of clothing.
We actively discourage children from wearing jewellery apart from watches. When parents insist that children wear earrings, they must be studs and the attached indemnity form must be completed. Earrings must be removed for PE and swimming lessons.
There are many benefits to children wearing school uniform and we ask that all parents support us by ensuring that their child wears the correct school uniform each day.
How To Order
School sweatshirts, cardigans, storm proof coats, PE kits & bags and Book bags are ordered directly from the supplier via the link below.
Logo’s Unlimited – In Store or Online.
Logos Unlimited – Chester le Street CE Primary Shop
Address: 77 Front Street, Chester-le-Street, County Durham, DH3 3BJ
Phone: 0191 488 2600
Emblematic Uniform Order. – Online Orders Only
Delivery to school is free or you can opt for home delivery for an additional charge.
We would encourage parents to label all items of clothing